Saturday, March 04, 2006

Thank you journalists

To me, the only redeeming saga of the Ganguly soap is that it has provided some good authors in the cricketing world, the opportunity to use their insight and put some perspective on the events and the characters.

Rahul Bhattacharya's THE HEART OF THE MATTER is one such creation. It throws light on the very human qualities and frailities of Saurav Chandidas Ganguly. And now comes another gem, Amit Varma's BIRDS OF THE SAME FEATHER. The opening line is one to die for....

'If it wasn't such a national passion, most of us would probably see that cricket is not a game of heroes and villains, but of human beings, and human beings are inevitably flawed'

PERSPECTIVE !!! on what most people think are celluloid creations.

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