Saturday, March 25, 2006

The NUGGET's gone!

As it happenned, once, during the golden years, when ViM, FSN, MoGa and myself were discussing some of our important achievements until that point, ViM proudly announced that even in a crowded video store, he could get one of those guy movies (just to clarify....more girls than guys in the movie :D) with his subtlety. While FSN and MoGa also managed to flaunt their expertise in this area, I sat there, quiet and unable to look them in the eye. Naturally, this was noticed and led to an investigation. Turned out that while I had scrutinized and reviewed every movie that was ever borrowed, I had never ever done the dirty work myself. This obviously did not go down well with these you've-gotta-earn-your-bread folk. And at the end of the discussion, ViM, in his position as the unelected leader, thundered that if I had any semblance of pride, I should not watch one until I got it myself. So, there I sat, humiliated and humbled, in the midst of these giants of the trade.

Naturally, ViM's order has been disobeyed over the years. Not because I lack a semblance of pride, but more because, some things are more important than pride! Anyway, life has been good since (in every possible way), without cause for much complaint. However, the accusation of being a parasite has always remained a nugget deep down.

Last week, this friend of mine, Sekh, having finished his Masters and having gotten an offer, thus having nothing to do until work started, came down for a vacation and stayed over for a week. Since I was unable to take time off work, he spent the day watching movies and cooking dinner for my roommate and myself. After watching my collection of the good and the guy ones, he insisted that we go to Blockbuster and get a couple (a good one and a guy one) for Friday.

We decided upon 'The Rookie' as the movie for that night and continued looking for a second one. Which is when it occurred to me that now might be the time to flush away that nugget forever. Also, taking the plunge for the sake of Sekh (Since he was the one that wanted to borrow one. I know my way around the internet! Sorry Sekh, HAD to rat you out) made me feel 'martyr'ish. So, taking the case from him after he had pondered 15 mins over the different titles available, I proceeded with short hesitant steps toward the counter. For Chrissakes, it was a girl at the counter!!! I was ready to give up and ask Sekh to do the dirty work himself. Somehow, I gathered my courage, decided on a Now or Never approach and stood in the line.

When it was my turn, I walked up to her, while trying to keep my eyes straight and passed on the 2 cases in my hand (obviously The Rookie was on top). Once I handed it over, there I was, ready to sink into the ground at the hint of a giggle from her. It never came. She was a total pro. Got it from my hands, read the titles, located the DVDs, placed them in the cases and handed back to me within 2 mins. And all with a neat smile. I felt exonerated...


FSN 3.0 said...

I appreciate your courage in this matter. Hopefully after you went home, you were able to give yourself a treat and celebrate, while watching the OTHER movie.

Btw - when did this conversation happen between the 4 of us? Seems vaguely familiar and yet Im unable to place it.

Am glad ViM has been the leader in something...

Dream Sporting said...

Thank you so much for your appreciation.

Anyway, I can't quite remember when we discussed this. But I can clearly recollect ViM getting very indignant. Of course, the fact that he was leader out there boosted his ego to, previously and henceforth, unreached levels.

I wonder if he remembers the whole thing...Cos, an appreciation from him would be a bigger deal.

Anonymous said...

He! He!...

Hmmm...I vaguely remember VIM boasting his skills on this ..somewhere around the time when VIM parents moved to Dubai.And his place used to be C batches play ground.

BTW .MoGa ?....

FSN 3.0 said...

First name starting with Mo... Last name with Ga...... He's stolen my convention of naming people.

Dream Sporting said...

Hari, As someone who studied with MoGa for three years and had him an benchmate for some of that period, I expect you to be able to figure this out. Else, I give you a BOTHERED!!!

S.Pandi, I looked up the patent records, but couldn't find the one you filed for naming people. Maybe you forgot to finish the paperwork on that one.

Anonymous said...

He ! He!...

Hmm somehow I dint quite strike me who would be Moga when i first read considering the topic of discussion....

FSN 3.0 said...

Idiot - its a naming convention, not a product. Look under trademarks and copyrights...jump to the 'brilliant nomenclature' section.....