Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Incredible Davy

I am watching Davy for the first time ever. And I sure chose a good moment to do so. This guy is hitting the pants off each and every ball coming his way and is holding himself comfortably against Roger Federer from the baseline. Actually, he pretty much dominated the third set but ended up conceding it to Federer the fighter as much as Federer the genius.

And then, when I thought that I had the 4th set scoreline all figured out, this dude (who just gave up 6 set points) comes out fighting and breaks Roger straightaway. He seems like the real deal. Will watch out for him from now on....and would suggest that you do the same!


Anonymous said...

they broadcast the federer-davydenko match?? jeezuz christ -- the one good match they show and i miss it :(
yeah, davydenko is pretty good. his match against hrbaty was pretty good too where he came back from 2 sets down.

but i am still not sure if the other players are matching up to the level of federer or if federer is dropping down to their level. i mean, his match against haas was pedestrian -- nothin like roger. one player to watch out for would be baghdatis -- he's a sensation! him against nalbandian (and quite possibly, federer) should be a good match-up.

Dream Sporting said...

Oh yeah, they did show the Federer - Davy match yester. And since I had slept from 7 pm to midnight (after effects of watching Pak bore the hell out India and me till 4 am the previous night), I managed to watch from midway 3rd set.

I was not very inclined to watch the match after reading that their HtoH was 0-6 in Federer's favour. However, I was following text commentary on BBC Sport and they started raving about the quality of the match during the 3rd set. That got me to the TV and I was astonished by what I saw. Like I said, Davy was going for broke on almost every single shot and he had Federer scampering (albeit, scampering like a genius!).

The quality of the 4th set fell off (as expected), as both of them seemed to be really tired. Federer had a few chances before the tiebreak to seal the match, but played some really sloppy stuff.

And after watching Davy yester, I think that you got it spot on in your preview with regards to Nalbandian. Nalbandian is befinitely a more brilliant shot maker than Davy...and if he reaches the finals and plays Federer, we might be in for some real drama.

Anonymous said...

there go my fantasy final matches -- nalbandian loses to this youngster (exactly what i was afraid of) and clijsters withdraws :(

but there's no questioning david's shot-making skills and i'll keep rootin for him :) this is exactly the reason why he hasnt won a grand slam -- doesnt deliver on the big points.

oh well. i have a feeling the final is going to be a straight sets victory for roger.

i was reading the reviews on the test...hmmm, dull :(

FSN 3.0 said...

Baghdatis is on a dream run here. IMO, he's already shown his class by getting rid of that American Idiot. Now on to that piece of Swiss Cheese....

I already know who I'll be rooting for :-).Would be great to see something like last year's Semifinal....we all know what happened there.

Anonymous said...

*smirk* we'll see about baghdatis. though he's captured my fancy after he beat nalbandian. roddick's an easy lay. he's been out in the first rounds in almost all slams recently.

my allegiance wudda wavered a li'l bit if david had made it, now there's no questions :)

though i do like the zeal of that 20 year old kid...RUP is good enough for him, though. dare he encroach on roger's run...

jokes apart, i do acknowledge the unveiling of a great player, who might hopefully be able to keep up with the #1, or give him a scare, at worst.

Dream Sporting said...

Lets not ignore Kiefer pls. Not that I want him to win, but Federer and Kiefer have played each other at W'05 and US'05. And both times, it was a 4 set affair. So, hopefully, it will be a good one tonight. And maybe a gruelling 5 setter coupled with the unfair less recovery time will even things up in the final :)

Also...what about the women's final. Henin, all grace and gumption, against someone who is CAPABLE to playing at the highest level. Mauresmo might come up flat on the big day...however, even in an one sided final, Henin is bound to hit a dozen backhands....MONEY and TIME worth it, I would say!

Karthika said...
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Anonymous said...

oh kiefer is a fighter alright but i doubt he'll have a shot against Roger. i hope the match is a good one though, cos i gotta stay up till 6 am for it :(

isn't justine almost perfection?! her backhand is simply phenomenal. the contrast was so obvious b/w her and the mindless play from sharapova last night. i love mauresmo's style too (& it would contrast henin's perfectly)-- i jus wish she was more consistent though. the odds are all in favor of the belgian...

Dream Sporting said...


I am not a big fan of Sharapova. Dont like the fact that her press conferences are more about her clothing than her tennis.

But yester, she was GOOOOD. dont u think so? What about those couple of close calls that went against her?! And I liked the way she handled her press conference. Have you gone through the transcipt? you should check it out....

Anonymous said...

Kudos on being the only male on the planet that aint “a big fan of sharapova” :D
I admit, she was definitely good in that match – in fact better than I have ever seen her. But it was just all power – not very different from the Williams sisters I must say. Nothing bugs me in tennis more than a mindless power game (that is for the RBs in NFL to do, as some might say ;)). It’s the Sampras-federer-justine-hingis mind game that exemplifies the best points about tennis. If you jus wanted to use power, shouldn’t you just go and wrestle?

why on earth would i wanna see her press conference? i can barely watch her play ;)
jus watched roger demolish kiefer; now that was well worth it :D

Dream Sporting said...

Noticed a typo in your list.....the list should read Santoro-Federer-Henin-Hingis!

Watched 3 sets of the semi yester. Glad that I didnt watch the fourth! There seemed to be no energy from both sides. Hopefully the weekend will be a blast.

FSN 3.0 said...

That wasn't a typo, and yours was a downright blunder. How dare you encroach upon hallowed ground? :-)

Well, glad you didn't say AA there.

There were times when Henin was reaching for a crisp down the line backhand from Sharapova, returned it , only for Sharapova to hit it hard - but to midcourt. I was cringing, cussing and downright agitated. The girl needs to definitely work on the mental game. Sheesh. She did pretty much the same last year, against Serena.I guess the talent is there. The mental game should, hopefully come with experience.

I can't imagine how anybody cannot like Sharapova. The girl is just so appealing.And she's only 18.I can only try imagining what she'd look like at 21.... :-XXXXX

Anonymous said...

Dream-sporting, you’ve GOT to be kidding me!!! Both about that santoro quip and the federer match yesterday. And FS, you got off pretty easy on him there!

You canNOT even mention santoro in the same breath as Sampras, much less replace him!!! And I am dead serious. NOONE, I repeat, NOONE exemplifies the mind game better than Sampras did. Even Federer, while easily the most beautiful tennis player I have ever seen is not as intelligent a player as Sampras was!

It kinda got camouflaged bcos of his huge serve and volley game (what really bugs me is people look at Sampras’ ace to mean he didn’t have to play well enough cos he got all those cheap points; I’d like to remind all those people that you cant break another person’s serve by serving an ace and its not like he won 14 grand slams on tiebreaks!). you gotta see someone like taylor dent – he probably has the fastest serve in men’s tennis but has never gone beyond the 4th round in any major. A serve can be a liability if you don’t know how to use it right!!!

And roger was phenomenal this morning – he just hopped onto a higher gear and seemed like there was this cloud around him that no human being could penetrate. It’s not like kiefer played badly except in the last set.

And I have no words to describe henin-hardenne – she is the most complete women’s player I have ever seen and could rival even roger. As for sharapova, its not jus her game, she is so annoyingly uncomposed -- it's like she's goin to break down and cry evertime she misses a shot. and if we were goin to root for someone based on how they looked, all the women should be rootin for andy roddick. Rafter was the last tennis player that had it both – good looks and a great game :)

Dream Sporting said...

First things first....I am not a big fan of Sharapova, not because I seperate tennis and beauty, just that I separate ANNA KOURNIKOVA and the PRETENDERS. But if Sharapova is going to hold me spellbound when she is 21, I would have no qualms adding her to my favourites!

Katrix...When you put down Sharapova for 'all power, no finesse' and then pen a list that has Federer, Henin and Hingis, I just assumed that you were talking about 'finesse over power' players. Hence, OBVIOUSLY, assumed that Sampras was a typo. Anyway, read it again, and realised that you are talking about the mind game. OBVIOUSLY Sampras is a certainity in that list. Only trouble is, Sharapova is too! How can that be denied when she has been the model of consistency in the Slams pushing the champions to the very limit inspite of being less talented than most of them??!! And she is only 18!!! So, not sure if your comments are consistent.

Anonymous said...

looks like the Oz Open is jinxed. I walk in and switch on the tv to find out what happened and I see justine giving a press conference for why she retired from the final. WHY would a women's final end like that? :(

i dont think sharapova lacks talent. in that match she was phenomenal. she would have won against any of the power players; justine just stunned her with her strategy. brain over brawn. like i said, she can have all the talent she wants and hit all the 140 mph serves she wants; she's NOT a good tennis player if she cant think.

Anonymous said...

didnt think it appropriate to fit Sampras in that box :D hence the 2nd comment. yep, i was jus flabbergasted that anyone (even a die-hard AA fan) would question Sampras' mental game. glad we cleared that up :)