Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Pressure? What pressure??

I am not very keen to acknowledge someone's predictions, particularly so, when the 'someone' is a close friend. When it comes to Sehwag, due to the hyperbole from my friend's mouth, I have always undermined his abilities during arguments. However, after watching Sehwag in rapt attention during this 1st test, I needed an outlet to voice reality.

Its not that this was the first time I watched him in action, nor was this one his finest....far from it actually! What about his debut 105 against SA or the 195 on Boxing Day vs AUS. I havent watched his 155 at home vs AUS or the 309 vs Pak. But man, what a collection within 40 tests. And that isnt even the point of this blog.

Until recently, I was not aware that he reached his 300 by hitting a sixer, with three fielders manning the boundary on the leg side. WHAT?!! And then comes the loft into long-on's hands when he was on 195. And if you thought that he learnt from that, then check out his shot on 199 this time around.....a slash over slips with a third man in position. And last comes the 3 consecutive attempts to slash over the keeper (slips got too easy, I would have to assume) when 3 short of a world record partnership, with that being the sole purpose of coming out to bat. I DONT UNDERSTAND, someone else pls explain....

And what about the strokeplay....183 to 200 in 5 deliveries.....FIVE CONSECUTIVE deliveries!!! "Pressure?? What pressure?" he is supposed to have told Dean Jones when asked about being unbeaten on 96 overnight. I BELIEVE HIM !

Keep them coming buddy...And press conferences seem more interesting when you are around. Check this out


FSN 3.0 said...

Although that is very heartening, some people sit and analyze every single thing that goes on, while some others just do it - and not think about anything. Viru could just be incapable of giving anything too much thought. OF course it works out well for us, but it can also go the other way as we saw earlier - when he flittered away those great starts.

Pressure as His Airness has said,keeps you on edge.When things are going well, Sehwag's ability to not feel pressure could be great but during times when he needs to play responsibly the same inability to feel the weight of the situation might be his and India's undoing.

I know we think its cool - but the guy is a senior player in the team now. If even Shoaib has learned to cut down on his unnecessary aggression, I reckon Sehwag would do well to at least give the situation some more thought.

Dream Sporting said...

FSN....It would be madness to believe that Sehwag does not put thought into his cricket. Remember, he is vice-captain and Chappell too made an observations about Sehwag's awareness of the game. Just that to a casual observer , he seems to be all about CRASH and BANG. But there is definitely a method to his madness, which I will explain tonight :)

Also, I wouldnt have gone ga-ga over this dude if it werent for the fact that he makes runs when the situation calls for it. He hasnt been a flat track bully for sure. AND, he has made runs all over the world. AND, he has made them against all the attacks. So, no reason to be circumspect, I guess.