Thursday, June 22, 2006

I'm going PUBLIC

All of a sudden, without being provoked, I sent out a mail to this buddy of mine with a World Cup predictor. Why not make it public, I thought.

WINNER - Argentina
  • Both HEART and MIND say so. They both can't be wrong!!!
  • They would have played a brand of football that would send the world into delirium

FINALS - Argentina vs Brazil
  • I thought that Carlos Tevez is just another striker. NOPE, was wrong! He will beat Lucio to score the winner from a Messi assist. Sweeeeeet!!!
  • Messi would give a live tutorial to the opposing Robinho and the watching Rooney about how a 19 year old should play a World Cup Final
  • The 'Hand of God' will be mentioned during the victory celebration


July 4th - Argentina vs Italy
  • Messi will run circles, squares, rectangles and triangles through the Italian defense
  • James Horner will be forced to take note of the Riquelme conducted orchestra
July 5th - Brazil vs Holland
  • Two technically brilliant teams. Bound to be tight, but there will be space for those that can create it. Holland seem to be playing a little too physical though. One of their key players MIGHT miss out due to yellow card trouble
  • Ronaldo would either not play or be close to his best. Cannot see him being persisted with if he cannot move or control the ball like in the first two matches


Argentina vs Sweden
  • Sweden would beat Germany in the round of 16 stage. I WISH that Germany would win though. That way, Argentina can extract PERFECT revenge for 1990 WC final.
England vs Holland
  • My sincerest personal apology to Mr.Rooney, but I cannot accept Terry/Lampard going further
  • IFFFFFFFF Holland go on to win the World Cup, they would have played Arg, Portugal, England, Brazil and Arg. MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE!!!
Italy vs XXXXX
  • This one is really hard to predict. I hope that France will come through, but increasingly, that looks unlikely
  • If France does not come through, it could be the winner of Korea vs Ukraine. Ewwww!
Brazil vs Spain
  • If France finish second in their group, they would play Spain in the round of 16. And I favour France to squeak through and play Brazil in the QF. Another Ronaldinho vs Henry matchup


Holland vs Portugal
  • Again, my apologies to Christiano Ronaldo. But the trickster cannot compensate for a fumbling bumbling Figo. Plus Robben and Van Persie look BLOODY impressive.
  • Mourinho's long face will only get longer
Brazil vs Czech Republic
  • This will be THE GAME where Ronaldinho gets the space to dance to the Samba. Even Maradona will be cheering!

FYI....As is typical, the comments section will remain empty, but this time around, updates as the games happen will be mentioned in the comments section. Both, cheers and the brickbats won't be in moderation.


Anonymous said...

Nice to c someone supporting Argentina.. hear too much of selecao support though... Iam here a mighty fan of the albiceleste.

Having said that I do not see Argentina having an easy run-up as people are predicting. The issue is that Argentina are an essentially South American team that relies on short passing, interplay, 1-2 and some sublime skills. Unlike the other giant (name not mentioned deliberately) which is essentially a team that relies on playing on the break and transition. But the big big disadvantage with Argentina is that they over-rely on Riquelme. Now just rewind to the C League Semis vs Arsenal and Gilberto Silva took Riquelme out of the game by man-marking and following him. A similar thing happened in the confederations cup. when u take out riquelme from the game, the game is half won. So far no team has done that. Well, Pekerman has come up with alternatives like giving the play-making duties to Leo Messi, but time will only tell whether it will work. Argentina are also extremely susceptible to set-pieces and crosses. U can expect Italy to trouble Argentina in this area (assuming both make it safely to the semi-finals). Pekerman again dropped Samuel who was damn good in air. Of course Ayala is gud but u need more arial strength.

Its very very early to comment on Argentina's performance. Not that they are not playing badly or have peaked early but the tactics and the game plan is now out in the open . The Dutch Van Basten closed the space in the middle which effectively meant that Argentina's had to resort to some other option. Of course, the absence of Sorin, who wud have overlapped from the left was vital but still argentina cud not pass as effectively.

Abt Tevez, he is an absouletly wonderful player, 3 times the winner of south american player of the year (03,04,05). Best Player of the Olympic winning argentine team. He has such an impact that the Cornithans ultra fans have divided loyalities when arg meets brazil.
Btw saviola is better than tevez, he fits perfectly well to the argentine system. But he is not as talented as tevez. Robinho, at least to this eye, is better than Tevez.
Well Leo is too gud, but the hype that is surrounding him is not necessary. He and Tevez are at-most back ups and the players for 2010 WC along with Kun Aguero (U will hear abt this 17 yr old boy wonder shortly) and Mascherano (I rate Mas higher than Tevez).

Dream Sporting said...

Hey Buddy

Always nice to see an Argentina fan here. As I browse through blogs, I notice that there are lots and lots of them. However, its always the 'other giant' (I don't like mentioning the name either) that appears to roll off the tongues of neutral celebrities.

Anyway, my posts have been more from the heart than an accurate analysis of the test the team is going to face. At no point was I deluded enough to jump on the 6-0 bandwagon and project an easy run to WC victory. Holland did provide a taste of the challenges ahead. While the space provided by S&M was obviously not going to be available against Holland, it was heartening to see the number of chances created through typical South American brilliance. It was the finishing that wasn't the greatest.

Riquelme's influence is fascinating to watch. True, they rely heavily on him, but I love the pace at which he works and creates. It would be interesting to see how much Messi can do for the team if/when Riquelme is man marked.

Your clinical analysis is interesting to read. From my perspective though, as someone who has watched Argentina in action since the 1994 World Cup only, it is their 'back to the South American' approach that has left me drooling. I do not remember such quality and beauty in their play since I started watching them. The origins of my fascination for Argentina are based on the legend of Maradona. Plain and simple. Now, their playing style has added to the allure. May it continue...

My knowledge of the players NOT playing in the English is not the greatest. While I keep tabs on the Spanish and Italian leagues, I get to watch the EPL only.

The dilemma of the Corinthians brings a smile to my face. Is he planning to move to Europe though? Saviola's indeed combined perfectly with Crespo and the system in place. I remember him being touted as a prodigy when he came to Spain, but I hadn't heard much about him after that. So, I just assumed that he wasn't what he was made out to be. Good to see that the magic is there.

Kun Agero....never heard of him as yet. But look forward to the day :D

btw...How do you manage to follow each one of these players? Do you have the advantage of being an Argentine?? :)

And also, while I too kept reading about 'selecao', I did not know of the existence of the word 'Albiceleste'. BEAUTIFUL!!!

Dream Sporting said...

First prediction....OUT OF THE WINDOW! Czech were ordinary against an extra-ordinary Buffon. Ghana did the expected by beating USA.

If Ghana play like they did against Italy, their game against Brazil would be end to end action. Ronaldinho to the FORE!!!

Anonymous said...

Both HEART and MIND say so. They both can't be wrong!! - Arent you getting a little too presumptuous? Not that I dont want Argentina to win, but I am contesting the fact that your heart and mind cant be wrong :)


Govind S said...
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Govind S said...

hi mate

Iam an indian but i have been following argentine football closely like even following their league and copa libertadores (south american version of the champions league). I have also been following closely Tevez, Messi, Mascherano and Alessandro (played for Portsmouth this season, I watched pompey's games just for this guy , he is an amazing player, captained River Plate at the age of 21!!!, u can ask any Pompey fan and he will tell u abt this guys skills). Tevez was rumoured to be moving to Chelsea but since Chelsea have bought Sheva i guess Mourinho will not pursue with him. There are also romours surrounding a move by Carlitos (that's the name that Boca fans gave to Tevez) to Milan. Currently it looks like he is staying in Latin America. But I expect Mascherano (a latin american version of Patrick Viera) to move across the Atlantic mostly to Athletico Madrid, or may be to Arsenal (Wenger was interested in Mas 2 yrs back). Aguero has now moved to Athletico Madrid (Kun alongside Oscar Utsari have helped Club Independente to the 1/8 of Libertadores)

PS: The playing style of the current Argentine team has got a lot to do with Pekerman. The most influential person in Argentine football in the post-Diego era. An entire line of players starting from Juan Sorin, Riquelme, Aimar, Samuel, Saviola, Alessandro, Carlitos, Mascherano (there are a lotta more ) owe their career to this great man. Not only did Pekerman instill in these players skills but also taught them values. U will never see the current team (at least so far and with the exception of that Blonde Bast***- Coloccinni) commiting below-the-belt fouls (or in other words crimes!!). Maradona's team in the late 80's and early 90's won trophies but were also known to commit outrageous fouls (Monzon and one more player (forgot his name) getting sent-off against Germany in WC final 1990 are vivid memories). That earned the Argentines a notorious name- the win at all cost gang of bad boys, lead unfortunately by Diego.

Pekerman insists that the game shd be played in the right spirit and in the traditional Argentine way-short passes and lotta possession. Each time he won the WYC-95, 97, 01 (World Youth Cup) and in 03 (were defeated by Brazil in semi's)that team also won the FIFA Fair play award too. Though I do not appreciate some of the tactics of Pekerman but the achievement and vision of Pekerman is at par with Luis Menotti (the great coach of the 1978 WC winning Argentine team- a footballing intellectual).

Btw i have profiled Argentina some time back in a blog

Dream Sporting said...

Hey dude

Wow man! I was quite sure that you were an Argentine to have such insight into the Latin American leagues. Simple WOW!!! I took a look at your page as soon as I saw that comment (now deleted) and was thankful for the team profile. It was all information to me.

Indeed, I have been catching up with Pekerman's influence over Argentine football. Impressive for sure!

Today was a close call though. If Crespo or Saviola had buried their clear cut chances, life would have been easy, but just didn't happen. Now, I hope that the players get good rest before the massive encounter with Germany. do you manage to stay in touch with South American football? Do you actually manage to watch the games, or is it through articles on the internet?

Dream Sporting said...

As for you indeed is presumptuous, but then...When have I been known for modesty? So, why change approach now??!!!

Also, remember that STUPID comment you made regarding new faces...well, check this out

However, point to note is that...You will appreciate the comments of experts like Alan Hansen, Dream Sporting only when you get drawn to sport for the talent rather than the face.