Friday, October 13, 2006

To Websters (actually with Love defines pessimism as
1. the tendency to see, anticipate, or emphasize only bad or undesirable outcomes, results, conditions, problems, etc
2. the doctrine that the existing world is the worst of all possible worlds, or that all things naturally tend to evil
3. the belief that the evil and pain in the world are not compensated for by goodness and happiness

Until yesterday, I would have been happy to go with those explanations. Not now...

Pessimism - Optimism with experience
[Source: Steve Parrish]

It doesn't get clearer/cleverer/more practical than that!

PS: I started off typing 'Websters defines pessimism as...' and without batting an eyelid, visited to pull out the meaning.
PPS: The other day, during a phone conversation, my friend mentioned that he had started writing. I assumed that he had started blogging. When he hinted that that wasn't the case, I assumed that he was maintaining a personal diary on notepad. When he told me that he was putting pen to paper, I almost put phone to ground!

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